For those of you who are curious enough, here's what's going on in my life right now. I'll try to list all my professional and personal projects here to better bridge the gap between ideation, creation and presentation. I'll try to update this page regularly, so hopefully I see you coming back soon.
Currently I'm very interested in automation and automation tools. In the recent months I bought several apps to make my output, both in written words but also in photos more fluent. The apps on my Mac I make myself familiar with are tools like the Alfred app, Keyboard Maestro, Retrobatch, the Hazel app or command line tools like SIPS or EXIFTOOL. I'm about to stitch together several macros and workflows for different image formats, sizes and use cases.
I'm also debating with myself the launch of an alternative website that focuses more on my theoretical, scientific and technical interests. It's more about the geek in me, not so much about the artist.
I've already mentioned that every year I put together slideshows of my trips and the best photos of the past year. I'm trying to find a way to make these slideshows more available to a larger audience and I'm currently debating about the right format. Is a 45 minute video on YouTue too long? Can a week of images be compressed to a 10 second clip on TikTok? Who might be interested to watch these?
Currently I'm scanning old photo albums from my parents. These images hopefully end up in a coherent photo book for their birthdays.
An ongoing project is the transcription and summary of art focused podcasts. I've always been very interested in art, but my background knowledge, especially my bibliographical knowledge of the various artists has always been poor. By making room for such summaries I hopefully can create a back catalogue of information that I can easily refer to whenever I need it or I'm curious about a certain detail.
The next book I'm going to read is the very long and supposedly very complex work of Douglas R. Hofstadter "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid". Wish me luck!
In the house I need to install a new fibre connection to my home. It's going to be rather rough and dirty work and I'm not very keen about it.